D Griff Gallery - David Griffiths

Join me on Patreon

Many thanks for taking a look at my Patreon rewards.

More frequent content updates than my free YouTube channel.

More and swifter personal interaction than my free Facebook Group.

Personal help and advice: locations, gear, images from capture to finished edit, via a private direct email address.

Plus, of course, unlimited access to a growing library of VIP members-only exclusive content:
  • Extra images being captured beyond those shared on YouTube / Social Media
  • Image analysis and critique of my own work:
    • Subject / composition
    • Tone and colour contrast
    • Layers and depth
    • Comparison with RAW, thoughts on processing
    • Demonstrate any blending carried out: focus, exposure, time
  • Camera techniques and user guides (Olympus & Leica, of course)
  • Exposure theory and techniques
  • How I organise everything:
    • Location scouting
    • Planning: tides, weather, parking and accessibility, reference apps and websites.
    • More on specific gear selection trip by trip, what and how I pack and carry.
    • Best locations around North Wales and Anglesey based on seasons conditions, tides etc.
  • Video work:
    • Gear choice
    • Filming
    • Audio
    • Editing
  • Inspirations and influences, looking at other photographers work
  • Thoughts on other genres
  • Behind-the-scenes on commercial work
  • Behind the scenes walk-throughs on how I process many of my images:
    • Explanations on how I decide which frames to work with / discard.
    • Expanding on brief YouTube clips to show very detailed explanations of my step-by-step workflow.
    • Behind-the-scenes talk-throughs with before and after on how I edit images which are shown on YouTube and social media.

I’m only asking £8 per month and that should keep YouTube ad-free.