Whilst many of my landscape photography outings are documented In my videos, I also spend time in the field with just my stills camera.
As there are times when I’d like to share thoughts without going to the lengths of making a video, I make some notes here, posting from time to time.
To get updates when new items are posted, just pop down to the foot of the page and sign up to my mailing list.
Nærblindhet (Nearblindness)
I have thoughts about a serious problem which many suffer from. In Norwegian it is known as “nærblindhet”, which translates to “nearblindness”. I was reminded about this a short time ago. Let me share my experience of it with you …
Camera Club Presentations
Exclusive to Patrons and a thank-you for your huge support …
My Favourite Dozen from 2023
Exclusive to Patrons and a thank-you for your huge support …
Lens Testing & In-Camera JPEGs
Many photographers will use test cards to evaluate lens performance. As a landscape and outdoors photographer I prefer to use my pigsty!
Some Thoughts On Camera Clubs
I saw this on Twitter this morning, and I thought it was interesting that such a large majority agree with my opinion …
Ad-Free YouTube & Patreon
I’ve been told that despite switching off all advertising across my channel, YT still seems to sneak in an unwanted advert here and there. Apologies for this …
Is it worth getting a 17mm lens?
I guess the best way to answer your question would be to ask what other lenses you have in your bag at the moment?
Thoughts on Vero and Sharing Images Online
Vero shows you everything from anybody that you follow, which seems to me to be the entire point of sharing on a social network …
Cheating On My Beloved Snowdonia
I recently did something relatively unusual for me. I travelled to a different location, away from North Wales, for a few days of landscape photography …
Aperture Sweet-Spots, Why Bother?
My strong recommendation is that you give no thought whatsoever to the aperture which offers the best optical quality …
Talking Landscapes with Camera Clubs
Since I started this website and my YouTube channel about five years ago I have had a steady stream of speaking engagements by camera clubs to present my landscape photography …
The Case for Kase Wolverine Magnetic Filters
Kase Filters have really made a name for themselves in recent years, especially with their excellent Wolverine Magnetic Circular series …
Micro 4/3 Landscape Photography Facebook Group
The Group is obviously primarily for M4/3 landscape photography, any other genre (or camera system, even) will be equally welcome for photographers to share. …
How to Meet The Challenge of Unfamiliar Locations
Don’t be one of those photographers who only gets your camera out when you are in an area famed for its landscape photography opportunities …
Thoughts on Portfolios
My thoughts on how carefully curating a showcase portfolio is a very useful tool to re-evaluate your craft, and generate new enthusiasm …
Switching To Flickr
I need to make a decision on where to house my work. There is quite a lot of it, and my website has been creaking a bit lately …
Playing With My Playlists
Having had recent plans slightly disrupted by Lockdown 3 (as with all sequels and follow-ups they’re never as good as the original!) …
Early New Year Resolution
In my last post I looked back on what seemed at first glance to have been quite a dismal year. But in retrospect some of …