David Notes

Whilst many of my landscape photography outings are documented In my videos, I also spend time in the field with just my stills camera.

As there are times when I’d like to share thoughts without going to the lengths of making a video, I make some notes here, posting from time to time.

To get updates when new items are posted, just pop down to the foot of the page and sign up to my mailing list.

Only my favourite work is shown (compressed) on my PORTFOLIO page.

Other images accompanying my videos can be found HERE.

Nærblindhet (Nearblindness)

Nærblindhet (Nearblindness)

I have thoughts about a serious problem which many suffer from. In Norwegian it is known as “nærblindhet”, which translates to “nearblindness”. I was reminded about this a short time ago. Let me share my experience of it with you …