Early New Year Resolution

Nov 18, 2020


In my last post I looked back on what seemed at first glance to have been quite a dismal year. But in retrospect some of the photography has been pretty good despite the obvious limitations of lockdowns and restrictions.

And so I perhaps feel I have more motivation as we go into the winter and look forward to better times next year. On a recent outing in extremely challenging weather conditions I really enjoyed myself and despite the poor quality of the video, produced something which people seem to enjoy. Oh yes, and a half decent image as well!

Anyway, in the (hopefully, not misguided) spirit of moving forward a little more positively, here are a few thoughts looking towards the New Year … ??


  1. We are almost certainly going to go through another period of lockdown during which I will carry on doing local videos as I did in the last one.
  2. I intend to upgrade my video equipment as there are times when my lightweight small cameras really struggle with dynamic range. And I would like to be able to work more creatively on the video side of things now that I have established a benchmark for stills photography.
  3. There were times this year when I could’ve gone out and perhaps was a little lazy and didn’t, and looking back I should’ve done because now I don’t know if or when I’ll be able to do so again. So in the New Year every single opportunity will be maximised!
Nærblindhet (Nearblindness)

Nærblindhet (Nearblindness)

I have thoughts about a serious problem which many suffer from. In Norwegian it is known as “nærblindhet”, which translates to “nearblindness”. I was reminded about this a short time ago. Let me share my experience of it with you …