Moel Siabod, Capel Curig


Best at / for: sunrise and sunset – panoramic views across the region.

Best avoided: can be very busy on weekends and bank holidays.

Parking: parking on the A5 at Bryn Glo or on A4086 near Plas y Brenin.

Access: steep hiking and on some routes, scrambling necessary.

Notes: Superb views across Snowdonia, The Glyders & Carneddau.


Situated on the southernmost main ridge of Snowdonia, Moel Siabod is the most northerly and highest of the mountains in the Moelwynion range. It’s a longish hike up from the A5 at Capel Curig where the bottom section through the woods is very steep. Another route from the Plas Y Brenin centre is shorter and less steep. But the parking for this route is more difficult.

Moel Siabod is 872m high (2,860ft) but its location gives great views across all the main ridge lines of the area and is a good location for sunrise and sunset images from the summit. If you approach from the A5, it’s a good sunrise location with lakes and quarry workings to keep the landscape photographer interested.

The approach from the other side is much more nondescript, and this approach relies on longer compositions across the region to other peaks and ridges. Of course, this is more dependent on suitable lighting and conditions.

Siabod is a great peak to scale and highly recommended as wild camp location too.

My vlogs featuring this location:

#090: Moel Siabod Sunrise