Mynydd Mawr, Rhosgadfan, Caernarfon


Best at / for: sunrise over Snowdon / sunset over Anglesey.

Best avoided: in poor visibility, or when this is likely.

Parking: free, but needs care and consideration.

Access: around 2 hours uphill walking required.

Notes: good hiking / wild camping opportunities nearby.


Mynydd Mawr is at the north-western end of the Eifionydd range of mountains. Although it is separated from the main massif by the deep valley between the villages of Rhyd Ddu and Nantlle.

There are panoramic views all round; mountains, lakes and sea. It can be approached from Rhyd Ddu to the south or the hamlet Carmel from the north.

Access is quite easy, for the reasonably fit and able, and is well worth the effort.

The walk up to the summit from the closest parking will take around 2 hours and involves a climb of about 1200 feet.

The mountain itself isn’t of great interest to the landscape photographer, but the views of surrounding peaks and ridges can be spectacular in the right conditions. Especially the nearby Nantlle Ridge. So as a vantage point it is a good location and well worth exploring if you’re seeking some solitude and an alternative to the busier peaks.

My vlogs featuring this location:

Mynydd Mawr: Snowdonia Light & Shade (Ep #154)