Traeth Ynys Y Fydlyn
Best at / for: sunset all year.
Best avoided: can’t think of any time NOT to visit!
Parking: free parking about a mile from the location.
Access: steep walking is required.
Notes: a very scenic, isolated and quiet location; highly recommended.
Traeth Ynys Y Fydlyn is a landscape photographers dream location. It’s a short hike from a free parking spot which is so far off the beaten track that you will almost certainly have the place to yourself, except perhaps for one or two walkers in high summer.
Subjects include a small cove with a pebble beach, rock arch, rocky outcrops, forest, lake and all facing due west for year-round sunsets. Being so isolated it is perfect for wild camping.
You can also climb either of the high cliff-top headlands to the north and south of the cove for panoramic views across to Holyhead and the Skerries lighthouse. Down under the headlands you can shelter from prevailing winds making it a relatively comfortable location in most conditions.
I highly recommend this location, but be prepared to spend a whole day there!